First Devlog!

Hey all!

I plan to update this Devlog semi-frequently, as to keep you all in the loop as to how development is going! Before talking about Intertwined, I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Lyra (they/them), the creator of MIYASof and Intertwined! I've loved writing and story telling for a while now, starting with Doki Doki Literature Club mods and small fanfictions. Last year, I came to the realization that I wanted to do more, and tell stories of my own creation, so here we are!

As for MIYASof, we were only recently created, with myself, my partner and a few other people being members. As the project goes on, I plan to grow this team into a bigger group (something I am very excited for)! The name MIYA is actually the name of our mascot! She has her own story that I'm very excited to tell you all one day :)


Miya's design, Drawn by @EfiDraws

Now for Intertwined! Like I said, I've been working on this project since last year (August specifically), but I've been having similar ideas to Intertwined since as early as 2021! The current  idea originated from Junji Ito manga that I was reading at the time. After concepting for a few months, I nailed down the idea to a paranormal/psychological horror based around trauma and mental health.

 After having the idea, I just had to come up with how to tell it. I was originally planning to tell it as either an RPGMaker game, or a 3D PS2 inspired horror game, but more ideas started to flood in that wouldn't work in those formats, so I decided that a visual novel would be best. I took a lot of inspiration from Japanese visual novels I'd played before, and started to craft my own unique vision as to how I want Intertwined to read, look and feel.

Right now, the project has reached the scripting phase! Because of that, I decided to make the page so I could post devlogs and get the project out there. As the game is only starting to be scripted, I don't have a release estimate, or any details when it comes to the main development, but I plan to script and code at the same time, which should speed up development time (at least a bit). Obviously anything could happen during development, which is why I'm not making any promises with this project yet. When I have more substantial things to post, you'll see them here first! 

That's all for now! While updates to the devlog might be slow, I can't wait to keep updating you all as to how the game is coming along. If you have any questions or you're interested in contributing, you can contact me on discord @lyrashi_, or find me on one of the social medias listed here: ! I hope you all have a good day/night! 

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